Spin the Wheel Popups
Learn how to create a spin to win popup for your website/eCommerce store in this step-by-step article.
How to Create a Spin the Wheel Popup With Optinly?
Spin to win wheels has now become a common popup that is being used by almost all eCommerce owners and marketers. The reason behind this is the engagement factor and the increased chances of conversions happening. With Optinly, you can create your own spin to win wheel, customize it to your needs, add coupons/discounts and set it live.
Let’s look at how you can create a spin to win popup campaign with Optinly.
Step 1: Once you have installed and activated Optinly, head to the dashboard and click “Add New Campaign” on your screen. You can also click “Create Campaign” on the top right corner of your screen.
Optinly Welcome Dashboard
Step 2: Once when clicked, you’ll get a window asking you to give a name for your popup campaign and to choose a goal for your campaign as well.
Give a custom name for your popup campaign and then click “Create” at the bottom of the window.
Step 3: You’ll be taken to the popup gallery where you can choose from a wide range of popup templates. You’ll be able to choose any popup template when you hover over it.
Click the “Use Template” option when you see the template or select the “Spinwheel” tab as shown in the image.
Select Spinwheel Template
Step 4: You’ll now be taken to the popup launch window. This is where you’ll be tweaking most of your popup display options. You can also have a sample preview of your chosen popup template on your website.
Choose Popup Display Option
You can manually enter the seconds and delay the appearance of the spin wheel popup to your web audience. Also, you have options to display the popup to your audience again after a specific number of days.
Let’s look at the customization options. Click the “Customize” button on the top left corner of your screen.
Step 5: You’ll now be able to customize your spin wheel popup. The four different tabs have unique functionality which is also a guided approach. You’d find it extremely easy when you progress in an orderly manner.
You can change the color of your spin wheel including the peg in the first tab. We’ve changed it based on Optinly’s theme. If you want to start from the beginning, you can click “Reset” anytime.
Once done customizing, head to the next tab “Edit Texts”.
This is where you’ll be taking care of the spin wheel text, coupon codes and probability.
Edit Text and Probability
The “Label” tab is where you’ll be changing the text that is appearing on the wheel segments.
The “Discount Code” section allows you to enter custom coupon code information for every wheel segment.
The “Win?” column, that lies adjacent to the discount code is where you’ll be deciding which wheel segment is going to make your audience win/lose. You can simply use the toggle on/off button to decide this. When a button is set to off, the value corresponding to it will become null/not valuable.
The "Probability" column allows you to decide the results. In simple words, out of one hundred spins made, how much do you want each segment to be the end result?
Once done with this section, move on to the “Form Fields” tab.
Edit Spin Wheel Form and Placeholder
The “Forms” tab allows you to change popup copy text. You can change the placeholder text to suit your needs as well. Also, you can change the color of the CTA Button and the text.
You have an option to include/not include the “Accept terms & conditions” checkbox as well. Once done, head to the “Win Info” tab.
When your visitor spins the wheel and they win a coupon, this is the window that’s going to appear in front of them.
The coupon they’ve won will automatically be displayed in the “Coupon” field and all they have to do is click “Copy”.
In case your visitor has lost the spin, they’ll be displayed the below window.
You can customize the message and the CTA button according to your wish.
Once you’re done with everything, click “Save Template” and then go back to settings.
Since you’ve already set the triggering options, click “Save & Set Live” to make your popup campaign live.
You’ll be seeing a success message as shown below.
It’s done. You’ve successfully created your first spin the wheel popup campaign.
Last updated